- Arrangør
- Chr. Michelsens Institutt/U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre
- Dag
- Onsdag 14.8 2024 14:00 - 14:45
- Arrangementstype
- Debatt
- Tema
- Internasjonalt
- Språk
- English
- Sted
- Den Lille Andunge
- Vis i kart
- Medvirkende
- Oleksandra Keudel, Associate Professor, Kyiv School of Economics
- Tuva Grimsæth Bugge, Senior Adviser, Department for the Nansen Support Programme for Ukraine, Norad
- Anne Pintsch, Associate Professor, University of Agder
- Monica Kirya, Deputy Director, U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre
- Kontaktperson
- Åse Johanne Roti Dahl, Chr. Michelsens Institutt, 41616440
- Nettside
- http://cmi.no
- http://U4.no
- Universell utforming
- Nei
- Miljøprofil
Ja, vi oppfyller Arendalsukas miljøkrav.
- Om arrangementet
The Nansen programme for Ukraine has been termed a game changer in Norwegian aid history. Much of this support aims to help Ukraine ‘build back better’: to protect social welfare, encourage economic renewal, and advance democratic standards. The success of these long-term ambitions will depend on Ukraine’s continued progress in establishing clean, decentralised and trusted systems of governance. This panel, organised by U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre based at CMI, will discuss the prospects for this. How is Ukraine likely to make further advances in anti-corruption and participatory governance? And how can Norway’s largest aid package to date support these?