- Arrangør
- Höegh Autoliners, Heidelberg Materials, Yara, Norges Rederiforbund
- Dag
- Torsdag 15.8 2024 09:00 - 09:50
- Arrangementstype
- Debatt
- Tema
- Samferdsel og mobilitet
- Energi
- Språk
- English
- Sted
- MS Brisen
- Stedsbeskrivelse
- Øvre dekk
- Vis i kart
- Antall plasser i lokalet
- 100
- Medvirkende
- Ingvild Kjerkol, Leder av Stortingets energi- og miljøkomité, Arbeiderpartiet
- Terje Halleland, Fraksjonsleder, Energi- og miljøkomiteen, Fremskrittspartiet
- Markus Exenberger, Executive Director, H2 Global Stiftung
- Andreas Enger, CEO, Höegh Autoliners
- Knut Arild Hareide, CEO, Norges Rederiforbund
- Rune Holmen, Head of Maritime Transport, Enova SF
- Marthe Solaas, VP - Bunkering & Market Development, Yara Clean Ammonia
- Lars Erik Marcussen, Project Manager Maritime Transport, Heidelberg Materials
- Christine Korme, Møteleder/Kommunikasjonsdirektør, Norges Rederiforbund
- Kontaktperson
- Camilla Knappskog, Kommunikasjonsdirektør, Höegh Autolliners, 926 66 156, camilla.knappskog@hoegh.com
- Nettside
- https://www.hoeghautoliners.com
- http://heidelbergmaterials.com/en
- http://yara.no/
- www.facebook.com/NorgesRederiforbund
- Universell utforming
Rullestoltilpasset lokale
Rullestoltilpasset WC
- Miljøprofil
Ja, vi oppfyller Arendalsukas miljøkrav.
- Om arrangementet
For shipping companies to choose net zero-emission solutions, methanol or ammonia must be at least as available and affordable as fossil alternatives.
Today, Enova provides support for investments in green fuel transitions, but the investments are not the problem. It is the operating costs—the price gap between sailing on sustainable fuels and fossil fuels—that makes the financial calculations unfeasible.
Germany is at the forefront of the EU's H2Global mechanism, a new instrument to promote the efficient technology and market introduction of green hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives. Germany will contribute up to NOK 50 billion to this auction-based support mechanism.
- What can we learn from Germany? How do we establish regulations and support mechanisms that help cover the price gap between fossil fuels and net zero-emission alternatives?
- So far, few Norwegian politicians have taken the lead in creating effective and market-based support mechanisms for green fuels. Can this change?
- And how can we create support mechanisms that further strengthen the world-leading Norwegian maritime cluster now that the industry is going through a green revolution ?